Plant bulbs like dahlias, gladioli and begonias in spring for a riot of summer colour. A cheap and effective way to fill the garden with plants that will return year after year.
Agapanthus Blue is also known as Lily of the Nile. It looks at its best planted en-mass or in a terracotta pot on a sunny patio. Flowers June and July. Flowering height 90cm.
White Agapanthus are a striking alternative to the usual blue varieties. Pure white flowers on long, strong stems dance in the breeze above green strappy foliage. Plant in Spring. Flowers June onwards. Flowering height 90cm.
Alstroemeria Orange King is the best perfoming of all the varieties. The bright orange flowers have a yellow splash on the upper petal. Flowering time July - September. Flowering height 70cm.
This dahlia is the most popular dark bronze leaved variety. Striking red flowers show up well against the dark foliage. Flowers August - October. Flowering height 100cm.
Dahlia Black Jack has dark bronze foliage and very dark red-burgundy flowers. It`s a cactus type and a real statement plant. Flowers July - October. Flowering height 110cm.
Dahlia Blue Bayou has anemone type flowers that are lilac with dark red centre. Ideal for pollinators. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 100cm.
A cactus dahlia with attractive coloured flowers that have a yellow centre with pink and purple tips. Flowers August - October. Flowering height 110cm.
Dahlia Cameo has beautiful cream to lemon yellow coloured waterr-lily type flowers on strong stems. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 90cm.
Cottage Garden Collection contains 1 tuber/root of the following - Agapanthus Blue, Astilbe Red, Paeonia Sarah Bernhardt, Incarvillea. Plant early Spring. Flowers throught Summer.
Crocosmia Emily McKenzie adds height and colour to borders, although this variety is slightly short than the red Crocosmia. Emily McKenzie has vivid orange flowers with a red eye. Plant in Spring. Flowers throughout Summer. Flowering height 60cm.
This hardy ground cover cyclamen grows well under trees and deciduous shrubs, adding colourful autumn flowers to woodlands and borders. Flowering time Sept-Nov. Flowering height 10cm.
Dahlia Emory Paul has giant flowers that can reach 27cm across in size. The blooms are fuschia pink in colour. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 110cm.
Freesias are grown for their fragrant flowers, that are excellent for cutting. Mixed colours. Plant early spring. Flowers June and July. Flowering height 25cm.
Gladioli Las Vegas is a Nanus type - very hardy and suitable for herbaceous borders. It has primrose yellow flowers that have an orange red edge. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-September. Flowering height 80cm.
Gladioli Prince of Orange has stunning bright orange flowers on long stems. Great for adding colour and height to a border. Excellent cut flower. Plant in Spring. Flowering time July-September. Flowering height 100cm.
Gladioli Purple Flora has velvett purple flowers on long stems. Excllent for cut flowers and adding height to borders. Plant in Spring. Flowering time July-September. Flowering height 100cm.
Gladioli Seashore has striking purple flowers with a yellow throat. Great for cut flowers and for adding drama and height to borders. Plant in Spring. Flowering time July-September. Flowering height 100cm.
Gladioli Strawberry Swirl is a new variety with strawberry pink colured flowers that a speckled with white. Great for cut flowers. Plant in Spring. Flowers July - September. Flowering height 100cm.
Gladiolus Callianthus is a lovely addition to any garden, with its fragrant white flowers that have purple centres. Plant in Spring. Flowers August/September. Flowering height 75cm.
Dahlia Gold Crown is a yellow-orange coloured cactus variety. The stems are strong and ideal for cutting. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 120cm.
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria Majalis) are a lovely delicate flower suited to beds and borders or amongst trees and shrubs. The fragrant white flowers form a carpet of bells in May and June. Flower height 15cm.
Lily Viva La Vida is a new variety of Asiatic lily with stunning yellow and red flowers. Great as a cut flower. Adds height to borders. Plant in Spring. Flowers June/July. Flowering height 100cm.
Dahlia Lindsay Michelle has flamboyant flowers that are bright yellow with pink tips. A real showstopper! Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 90cm.
Dahlia Lucca Johanna has large water-lily like flowers that have a pinky-white centre and lilac pink outer petals. Flowers July - October. Flowering height 80cm.
Vibrant mixed coloured Mirabilis with fragrant flowers that are produced continually during the flowering period. Plant early spring. Flowers August and September. Flowering height 50cm.
Nerine Isabel is a new variety of these stunning, late flowering plants. Nerine Isabel has bright pink flowers. Great as a cut flower. Plant in Spring. Flowers September/October. Flowering height 45cm.
Noordwijks Glorie is a large flowered dahlia, the blooks are orange in colour and excellent for cutting. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 120cm.
Octopus Sparkle Dahlia has very unusual, exotic flowers. The blooms are fiery red with yellow inner. Flowering time July - October. Flowering height 90cm.
Dahlia Oleda has giant sized flowers that can reach 22cm across in size. The blooms are bi-coloured purple and yellow. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 90cm.
Phlox Bambini Primadonna is a short stemmed variety of Phlox, ideal for pots. It has vibrant pink flowers that are fragrant. Plant in Spring. Flowers May-September. Flowering height 25cm.
Dahlia variety Pooh is a collerette variety that is great for pollinators. The flowers are striking in colour - orange with yellow centres. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. FDlowering height 90cm,
Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy is a lovely short stemmed perennial variety of Rudbeckia. It has deep crimson flowers with a dark cone centre. Great for late summer colour in an herbaceous border. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 60cm.
Summer Patio Collection conatins a mix of the following bulbs - Gladioli Flaming Sunset, Lily Gwen, Dahlia Bluesette. All are ideal for patio pots or for borders. Plant in Spring. Flowers throughout Summer.
Dahlia Sunshine has dark bronze foliage and single golden yellow flowers with an orange centre. Good for pots. Flowering time July - October. Flowering height 70cm.
Sylvia Dahlias have ball shaped flowers that are vivid orange in colour and 11cm across in size. Plant in Spring. Flowers July-October. Flowering height 100cm.
Tigridia (Tiger Flower) produces exotic looking flowers of brightly mixed colours, with different colours on the same plant. Plant in spring. Flowers June and July. Flowering height 50cm.